APEC groups Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United States and Vietnam.
New Zealand is preparing to carve out a separate position on nuclear energy, and, as one of the few Apec countries to commit to emissions reductions under the Kyoto protocol, will push for an acknowledgment of Kyoto's binding targets in the leaders' final statement.
The agreement does not push for binding cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and its promotion of nuclear energy as a form of clean energy is controversial.
Green groups have accused Australian Prime Minister John Howard of using it in an attempt to derail the Kyoto protocol - an international agreement with binding targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions - after 2012.
Join Benny Zable, Green Nuclear Butterfly, Rock The Reactors, Wetlands Activism Collective & other members of the newly formed FUSE USA coalition in solidarity & protest with the Australian people this Friday in Manhattan.
For detailed information on the rally, download this flyer.
(Compiled from numerous online news sources)
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