(This is in fact a post I made to the IPSEC list serv in response to FUSE USA board members shooting the messenger...i.e. ME... Since this post was not allowed through, and since nobody has volunteered to tell me who in fact "monitors" the IPSEC list, playing God as to who gets to speak and who gets shut out, I am posting my reply here... RemyC.)
Nay TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]
Nay OH-10 Kucinich, Dennis [D]
This is how some other Congresspeople voted on this said ALL NUCLEAR NAVY bill.
Read the rest of the votes here:
Know who your anti-nuclear green friends are!
Demand answers from your Congressmen!
NO to an ALL Nuclear Navy!
No Nukes, Period! No quarter, no half measure
no ifs, buts or maybes...
Save The Planet!
and if you think for one second this is naive, think again... the people of the Earth are FED UP with the monsters we let in power here wrecking our precious jewel!
War Pigs!
Nothing's changed... wake up... stop kowtowing like whimps...
John Hall folded... with his tail between his legs, to vote the overwhelming majority to destroy the ocean, perpetuate the culture of death.
For a paycheck, for job security... because he forgot to be an artist and a musician!
True blue to the cause...
Kucinich and Ron Paul did not... They stuck to their guns... and millions on MySpace now support them...
Yes Ron Paul is PRO-Nuclear, but he's also smart enough to know putting hundreds more nuclear vessels on the seven seas, is NOT the brightest idea in the world!
They are the minority voices of reason left in Congress... a minority perhaps, but expressing the strong sentiments of the rest of the world... who the US has bullied into submission... The American way or the Highway... the US, consuming 35% of the world's resources, spending a trillion dollars a year on war toys...
Black Sabbath hit the nail on the head back in the 70's... their first albums were a call to arms, that was crushed by crass commercialism...
limos, laziness, bad drugs and lies...
Bonnie, Graham, Harvey, Jackson...
Give NUKE FREE some gonads for Pete Sake...
Why is ReverbRock excluding Metal, Punk, all the angry ones?
angry for GOOD reason...
If you don't channel that energy, if you ignore it, it will just come back to haunt you, as it is now...
Nothing's been resolved... Earth First! never sold out...
Greenpeace International never sold out, it's just the DC office lets Patrick Moore have the run of the place!
Do something, or watch your precious Earth melt away...
into a desert of sand...
Cause Al Gore and Leo ain't gonna do it for you! They're company men, through and through!
Buying bamboo flooring and Summer Rayne Oakes sanctified organic 501 jeans (bless her heart) is a good start...
But it's not going to stop the war machine!!!
And that's "really" what's killing us, collapsing the biosphere... and you, on this indianpointsec list serv, know this better than anyone else!
Maureen, Susan, you're aiming your anger in the wrong direction.
There's a revolution brewing out there, over the horizon, you can't see it because you're too concerned about what your neighbors are going to think...
Trying to keep Manna Jo and Robert Jr. happy...
(Who we're told sold out Indian Point in favor of Utility-sanctified solar stocks!)
Desperate Stepford Housewises on Prozac...
That's why young people don't give a hoot...
They've given up... they're just looking at the last polar bears eat the last seals on TV...
and like Kelly Osbourne, spoiled little brat, they say screw it... because all her life, all she's ever heard is Daddy bitch about how messed up this planet is, drinking himself into oblivion because he's felt helpless all his life, not able to do anything... I KNOW Ozzy's heart, OK? Look what you people have done to him!!! These guys were my friends, my heroes, before you sucked them into your pathetic universe of Lamborghinis, cribs and cocaine haze!
That's why I went to Woodstock, to "remind" everyone up there what it was all about... did anybody from Ipsec, Riverkeeper or Clearwater bother to support the Rock The Reactors event at the Colony? NO! How sad...
As the ice melts... and Mexico drowns...
and soon... hundreds of nuclear power plants will flood...
the oceans will become a radioactive wasteland...
Is that the future you want for your children?
and you're blaming Green Nuclear Butterfly?
Wake up people... get off your behind...
DO SOMETHING for the love of all that's divine...
Read Shirley MacLaine's new book...
Seek a new perspective...
Go ask the official Peekskill historian
what's "really" going on in your Sleepy Hollow towns!
How about attending a Greendrinks in Manhattan once in awhile?
Get out of your suburb!
Renew your taste for the highlife.
Recruit some new blood...
Otherwise you're going to have Indian Point
to bitch about for another 40 years...
unless an accident or the radiation
gets to your bone marrow first!
We're planning the overthrow of an old regime.
What are YOU doing?
We're making darn sure all these contentions lead to a flamboyant court case...
so the fate of Indian Point can be tried in the court of public opinion,
because that's the ONLY place our side, OUR side, has a chance to win!
And if John Hall can't understand that, he's working the wrong side of the street.
And he's fair game.
He and I have a deal, I will hold him up to it!
yes, also an IPSEC member...
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