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Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Where is Astro Boy?

On Friday, Deepak Chopra has opened his doors, there is going to be an outcry from all those who care and understand about the fragility of life on Earth, this can't go on, none of it can, or there won't be anything left to save. Who benefits from all this? Are they really human? Haven't they seen the Earth from space, don't they know it's not limitless, it stands alone, with an atmosphere so thin, it could vaporize any second transforming our planet into Mars. And maybe that's our fate, but I still want to hope not, sorry for the soap box.
I know I worked very hard, you know here how hard I have worked, to transform Indian Point from just another aging nuclear power plant into a symbol for the entire movement, which when I entered it again, back in 2006, frankly, was quiet as a mouse, barely heard in the halls of Congress.
I've reached the point where I don't know what to do next, I'm lost, sad, confused, angry, tired, sick... but I know where I planted my seeds and with a little luck, they will grow into ducks lined in a row, and topple this empire of stupidity and greed.
I know you probably all think Trump is a fool, but I don't. He's been an exceptional businessman his entire life. Those who know him personally give him a sense of humor and a heart. He's a New Yorker. He now owns and runs a direct marketing network. If we can get Trump on the record wanting to shut down Indian Point, this could be a major victory for our side, regardless of whether or not you would ever want him for president. We need people like him, influential and powerful men and women in the world of science, business and politics, to rise up and pronounce their outrage at the way General Electric has built and run their nuclear reactors in Japan, which are now threatening the genome of all living things.
I'm pissed, because I bent over backwards to accommodate so many complacent fools. And now I can almost feel the radiation in my bones, which is worse than any atmospheric nuclear bomb test. We're killing this planet, numbed our senses to live resigned to be ruled by idiots. How many more nuclear disasters do we need? Don't let the media bury this, talk to the vast and wide community of independent small farms that have erupted around city centers. Don't discount the Native American community.
We can reclaim our future. But we need young people to understand, to stop believing the lies about healthy doses, to know that these radioactive isotopes don't exist in nature, that we made them, just like plastics. Biological systems don't know how to break them down.
I hope the anti-nuclear movement re-awakens, and joins forces with the green movement. I hope the green movement gets it now, and stops listening to misguided climate change alarmists like Patrick Moore, James Lovelock or Steward Brand.
A wave of anger is growing from Japan, it's loud, it's clear, they blame us, they blame America, they blame GE and our war machine, for the horrendous suffering they are experiencing again. It's near certainty now that Tokyo will have to be evacuated, that it will become the first ghost metropolis of the modern age. All so they could light up their avenues like Christmas trees.
I grew up loving Astro Boy... he was my cartoon hero as a child, this little black and white cartoon character which I couldn't wait to see on TV every afternoon while I vacationed here from France visiting my grandmother. But there's no real Astro Boy... at least not yet, maybe not for a long, long time. Maybe never if we don't find a way to stop this, rise out of all the technicalities, needled to death by minutia, and grow a single minded political action that gets the job done, and done quickly.
Remy C.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Deepak Chopra and nuclear experts gather
Fukushima & Indian Point
Friday, April 15, 2011, 6 – 8pm NYC
Where: Deepak Homebase on the Mezzanine, 888 Broadway at East 19th street, limited seating.
The conversation with Deepak Chopra
Arnold Gundersen, nuclear engineer, Vermont Yankee expert witness; Harvey Wasserman, journalist, one of the first to cover the Fukushima leak; Paul Gallay, Riverkeeper ED, working to permanently shut down Indian Point; and Duane Peterson, progressive political campaigner and non-profit environmental activist.
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