Actor/Green Home Renovator Darren Moore, co-star of Alter Eco on the Planet Green channel, at the Coco Eco magazine launch party in Hollywood, wearing our favorite girl on his Rock The Reactors t-shirt.
North Anna Needs New "Visitors" to Highlight Problems!
With kudos to the 15 at North Anna who exercised their right to protest,it appears now that, due to troubling new "developments" at the North Anna site, perhaps other like-minded souls who take a dim view of using nuclear reactors over sunshine and wind to generate electricity will, likewise, soon be prompted to make a purposefully symbolic "visit" to the North Anna Nuclear Power Visitor's Center.
All I can say is that with all of the creaky ol' reactors up for re-licensing, 34 applications already submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and dozens of new cooling towers on the Capital elite's Christmas Wish List?We're going to need to do more than sign and deliver petitions to millionaire investors in order to stop the "Nukuler Insurgency" being pushed brutally down Americans' throats with all the gusto of a runaway train!
Asking nicely has never before shut a power plant down - nor stopped a new one from being built either, for that matter.
Within about 50 miles from the Baltimore-DC-No VA Metro area (population circa 7 million) we've got the Calvert Cliffs nuke plant about to be doubled in size... that is, if we, as a nation, don't rally together to stop it - and the other 33 nuclear reactors that are predicted to similarly be slid on through.
Some say that with the current national financial crisis, nukes won't get the funding. Yet this is such a "pet project" of those in power that they will, in all certainty, simply find more of their cronies and connections - the Warren Buffet Sugar Daddy-types - to keep the nuclear fire-ball rolling.
The only things that can possibly stop this Nukuler Insurgency are either: a lack of funding (and rest assured, money will always be made available for what those in power wish to accomplish) or... the massive power of the outraged American public.
In order to stop what is nothing short of a "Nukuler Insurgency" being waged upon America? Sorry, but new age, altruistic talk about climate change and economics alone just ain't gonna cut it.
We must instead each think about the North Anna Fifteen and examine within ourselves... Just how far are we each willing to go in order to stop this dangerous push for more nuclear power - and further radioactive contamination - upon the American people?
The bold, courageous actions of the North Anna Fifteen are just the beginning of what becoming an anti-nuclear nation is going to mean for all of us who object to being radioactively poisoned in exchange for being able to turn on the porch light.
Stopping the "Nuclear Renaissance" is not going to come at the end of a pen. Rather, it is going to be waged by the blood, sweat, and tears of those who dare risk far more than running out of ink by signing worthless petitions addressed to filthy rich investors who do not even open their own mail.