Sadly the beautiful cover image of Betcee May shot by photographer Courtney Dailey was rejected by the editors at McGraw-Hill because the Philips EnduraLED Betcee held was shot too wide, and they couldn't tell what kind of bulb it was.
There was no opportunity or time to reshoot, so instead McGraw-Hill went with a close-up of the Pharox, who are big supporters of Global Green USA and design some of the best LED greenhouse lighting in the world.
A lot of hearts were broken, tempers flared, dreams shattered, it would have been amazing to feature the Rock The Reactors muse on the cover of a book so many worked so hard to produce, a book which carries such a strong message, that for the retrofit cost of LEDs, you can easily make up all the replacement power necessary to decommission old and dirty nuclear power plants.
Not all is lost. Rock The Reactors is in talks with the Pharox publicity department and other LED companies about future opportunities for Betcee May, who can easily be reached through her agency, Next Models in Los Angeles, under her fashion name May Lindstrom.
The three authors of the Green Lighting book, project and team leader Green Living Guy Seth Leitman, writer and researcher Brian Clark Howard of the Daily Green, and lighting engineer William J. Brinsky, are planning book signings all over the country.
If you'd like to organize an event at your local bookstore, green store or lighting store, please contact Seth or the publicity department at McGraw-Hill.
For more information on LEDs and an up to date listing of companies selling them, go to the Rock The Reactors website. You can order copies of the book at Amazon or get quantity discounts directly from the publisher.