What I can tell the readers, is rumor, unsubstantiated musings based on some reliable sources. Supposedly, another well known GREEN MODEL better known as Betcee, the poster child for the "Shut Down Indian Point" movement by proxy, if not by choice was going to do the shoot for the ETS Energy Store, but backed out...did she of the magical mind and soul find out something that changed her mind? Again, not being in a position to ask her directly, we can only ponder. With Betcee out of the picture, through some machinations, it is this writers understanding that one Super Green Model Summer Rayne stepped in and did the shoot for a few good reasons, such as OLD FRIENDS, and perhaps this false sense of security is what kept her from doing due deligence?
You see, if my sources are correct, and I believe they are, you have a Super Green Model basically fronting for a company (ETS Energy Store) that is partially owned by people directly associated with, working for the Nuclear Industry, and Indian Point. Enter into this story BGA Engineering who proudly proclaims their parternering with ETS Energy Store on their corporate website:
The ETS Energy Store sells renewable energy products (solar and wind) that can be purchased and engineered/designed/installed by BGA, LLC. The ETS Energy Store also provides sustainable products which are great eco-friendly gifts! Just click on the link below to go to the ETS Energy Store!
Designer Design Engineering
Sponsored various nuclear and fossil projects that required the detail design of electrical systems and the preparation of general arrangements drawings and sketches. Experience included design, evaluation, and recommendation of vendor equipment proposals, design of relay protection control and wiring of various sub-stations to feed into a new centralized computer system. Wrote specifications for new equipment.
Substation and Dunwoodie Substation Series Reactor Installation- Performed physical bus layout observing ANSI clearances for 138kV and 345kV bus work. Performed engineering and design services to install extra high voltage disconnect switches and circuit breakers. Prepared schematics, one lines, physical and wiring drawings for substation protection. Performed all facility electrical work which consist but is not limited to grounding and lighting associated with the installation of Series Reactors. Prepared construction specifications for overall project.
a) Electrical Engineer/Instrumentation and Controls Design Engineer
b) Szabados Consulting, LLC, 52 Oliver Rd Paramus, NJ
c) Self Employed and worked for Various Supervisors
d) All work performed at Indian Point 2 Nuclear Power Station
There it is, the tale is told, the smoking gun that ties Summer Rayne, Seth Lietman, and the ETS Energy Store into Indian Point, Entergy and the environmentally deplorable Nuclear Industry...question becomes, who knew what when, and who sold out to whom...if Seth Leitman made a deal with the devil and partnered up with these two men knowing of their ties to the nuclear industry, ETS Energy Store is anything but environmentally friendly and green. Even worse, what if all of this is a part of the Atlanta 7 conspiracy, what if some of the players in this tale are actually tied into NuStart and their plan to STEAL THE GREEN MOVEMENT for the nuclear industry. Are there innocents in this story? I think she should have known better, but I have to believe that Summer Rayne was duped, the victim of a naive mistake of trust. I think some of the other players not mentioned by name in this tale, such as those who organized and did the photo shot with Summer Rayne (Jon Mack, the photographer Eric Striffler) got taken in, had no clue who the men behind the green masks really were, though I would like to hear it from their lips. If the tale is true, then what about Betcee...she was a no show for the shoot, backed out with no reason...if she knew, surely she had a duty to put out the word?
There is probably more to this story, mysteries that shall unravel as days turn into weeks and the winter snow begins to fall, but for now I leave you with this simple warning. The NuStart Consortium and others within the Nuclear Industry are bent on taking our Green Mantle as their own, and pushing us off to the side...the time has come to be vigilent in our actions, and in our business dealings. If you are a part of the new GREEN ECONOMY as a business, choose your partners carefully. If you are a GREEN CONSUMER, do your homework and make sure that green you are spending money on is not slime from the bottom of some fetid swamp.