Richard Duffee is the Green Party candidate to represent the 4th district of Connecticut in the US House of Representatives.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Richard Duffee on Indian Point
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Refuting NEI's FALSE CLAIMS, Exposing TRUTH...Nuclear Is Paid For With Our Taxes...STOP THE BAILOUT
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Refuting NEI's Latest Study on Tax Payer Support To Industry
As one example, hundreds of millions of dollars are being funnelled through the DOE to colleges willing to train new nuclear industry employees. Simply stated, we Americans are being forced to pay for the training costs of Nuclear Industry Employees. Secondly, the study fails to include the money so far spent on GNEP (Global Nuclear Energy Program), fails to mention the $1.5 Trillion in funding needed to deploy this UNTESTED technology that will not work.
Let's talk about the Price Anderson Act that precludes EVERY AMERICAN from getting insurance to cover lossed from a nuclear incident at any one of the 104 aging nuclear reactors in America. Let's talk about the billions dumped into trying to find and site a long term disposal facility in America...THINK YUCCA MOUNTAIN.
The nuclear industry wants to build 200 new Nuclear Reactors in America by the year 2050...first, it cannot be done. Secondly, the nuclear industry wants a ONE PERCENT LOAN GUARANTEE, stating that Wall Street will not invest in the industry without these loan guarantees. The average new reactor is expected to cost $10 Billion dollars! (Note-history shows us there is going to be at least a 70 percent cost over run on these costs, so real cost is closer to $17 Billion). Do the math, and the Nuclear Industry wants to put Americans on the hook in the form of LOAN GUARANTEES to the tune of $3.4 TRILLION DOLLARS, or almost five times the amount of the current Wall Street Bailout now under discussion in Washington, DC.
As Americans tired of funding corporate profits, it is time we demand the end to Nuclear Industry Bailouts, time to tell our elected officials that the days of subsidizing nuclear industry profits MUST COME TO AN END. At 50 years old, it is time for the nuclear industry to pay its own way, or GO OUT OF BUSINESS.
Contact: Roger Bezdek, president, Management Information Services Inc.
(202) 889-1324
News Release
New Study Shows That Federal Energy Incentives Have Chiefly Benefited Oil, Natural Gas Industries
Renewables Incentives Outpace Nuclear Energy Since 1994
(Washington DC) Sept. 23, 2008 — The main beneficiaries of more than $700 billion of federal energy incentives over the past five decades have been the oil and natural gas industries, a new study reveals. The oil and natural gas industries together garnered 60 percent of federal incentives between 1950 and 2006, with 46 percent of the roughly $725 billion in federal support going to the oil sector, according to the report by the consulting firm Management Information Services Inc (MISI).
The report shows that the oil industry has benefited from $335 billion in combined incentives, with natural gas receiving $100 billion.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mother's Milk Project & Rock The Reactors at Green Faire, Oct 4th in Stamford
Hour Staff Writer
Thinking green is not just for Earth Day, so celebrations of the environmentally friendly movement shouldn't be limited to Earth Day either.
That's why Daphne Dixon of Conscious Decisions decided to organize the first Green Faire, a family-friendly event that will include more than 40 exhibitors, live music, children's activities and, according to Dixon, "an opportunity for people of Fairfield County to come together and learn how to live green and responsible lives."
The Green Faire will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 4, at Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens in Stamford. Admission is free and the event will go on rain or shine.
Several vendors and other interested parties, including U.S. House District 4 Green Party candidate Richard Duffee, attended a press conference promoting the event on Tuesday held at The Aquarium, a new environmental action and educational center on 10 Knight Street in Norwalk. The Aquarium also serves as Fairfield County campaign headquarters for the Green Party.
"The more of these types of events we have in the area, the better," Frank Grazynski of Earthplace said. "People need to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk."
Grazynski will represent both Earthplace and the Green Energy Task Force of Westport at the Green Faire.
"We'll be taking pledges from people to reduce their carbon footprint," he said.
Duffee will give a talk at the event and also be available to answer questions about the environment.
There will also be guided nature walks, seminars, demonstrations, children's book readings, blood pressure screenings, and live performances from Bridgeport-based band Caravan of Thieves. In addition, Conscious Decisions will announce the winners of the first Green Coast Awards, which honors green and responsible businesses in Fairfield County .
"It's an opportunity for people to talk to experts who are making a positive difference and improving communities, businesses, and the global environment," Dixon said.
The Green Faire also serves as a launch party of sorts for Conscious Decisions, a community education and outreach organization that stresses making responsible decisions.
Louisa Volpe, whose son Brian passed away due to a rare medical condition, will exhibit at the fair as a nutraceutical consultant. Volpe markets and sells nutritional supplements that do not include artificial sweeteners, preservatives or colors. She also sells environmentally safe cleaning products, as well as supplements for children and pets.
Other vendors at the press conference who have committed to participate in the Green Faire include: Bill Thomas of Norwalk-based; Rosie Haas of Natural Neighborhood; Dan Delventhal of; Jeanine Behr Getz of Kids Think Big; Debbie Miron, an independent distributor of Shaklee environmentally friendly cleaning and health care products.
Thomas will discuss renewable energy and green building. He will also talk for the first time about new construction technology for which he has licensed rights that utilizes aluminum instead of wood for internal wall construction. The houses, one of which will be constructed in Fairfield County this year, are wireless, independent of fossil fuels and resistant to fire, hurricane, earthquake and insect damage. Construction costs, Thomas said, are comparable to traditional modes of building.
Among the products Haas will display for Norwalk-based Natural Neighborhood are Sigg bottles, reusable drinking bottles made of recycled aluminum. Delventhal will demonstrate the concept behind, a lawn service that utilizes manually powered mowers and old-fashioned rakes.
Getz will read from her new children's book about "simple ways that children can get green."
Gail Merrill, co-founder of, will be on hand to discuss her organization. She and her partner with the project, Nancy Burton, each lost their mothers to cancer. Merrill, a New Canaan resident, herself is a survivor of cancer. encourages mothers who live within a 50-mile radius of Indian Point nuclear power plant to donate a sample of their breast milk for a study. The milk will be screened confidentially for traces of the radioactive element strontium-90, which causes birth defects, bone cancer and leukemia and other types of cancer.
"So many people have died of cancer," she said. "This has to stop and the politicians won't help us."
The event will also include booths from environmental organizations such as Sierra Club and Connecticut Audubon Society.
Festivities will start with a blessing of the Earth by several spiritual leaders.
On the Web:
Indian Point Needlessly ALARMS Local Residents
Dear Chairman:
Today, as I have now learned, I was NEEDLESSLY scared out of my wits. At just after ten the emergency sirens went off here in Peekskill, New York. I assumed they were again testing the dismal, trouble plagued sirens for Indian Point. Shortly after that though, while watching CNN the program was interrupted with a ORANGE SCREEN and a message telling us that there was a warning for Westchester County as a result of problems at Indian Point.
This lead me to begin implementing my own emergency plans here at my home. I waited for additional information, and was eventually successful in getting through to the local police's non-emergency number to find out what was going on...I was informed that there was nothing wrong, that the system was simply being tested. In my eight plus years living in Peekskill I've NEVER SEEN THE EMERGENCY screen that came up on my TV.
I would like to have an explanation of THIS FALSE WARNING being released out into the public broadcast arena, thus needlessly panicking the general public for a brief period of time.
Sherwood Martinelli
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Speaking of Federal Bailouts...Time To Just Say No To Nuclear!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Speaking of Bailouts...Is It Time To STOP NUCLEAR INDUSTRY BAILOUT?