I live within three miles of Indian Point, I want to be INFORMED! PICK ME, PICK ME! So, with happy tears in my eyes, I submitted a REQUEST to be put in the IPSEC list serve...I mean HELLO, I am the Green Nuclear Butterfly, I need to be informed. I went to Yahoo, found the IPSEC listserve group, applied for membership (yes, you have to be APPROVED!), and waited. Then I waited some more. Today, my wait is over!
I am NOT A MEMBER OF THE IPSEC list serve...why do you ask? Seems that the moderator of the IPSEC list was too busy to realize someone wanted to JOIN! I was AUTO REJECTED when the moderater FAILED TO ACT ON MY REQUEST FOR TWO WEEKS! If you ever wondered WHY OUR SIDE IS LOSING, there is your answer...IPSEC and Riverkeeper get all your money, but when it comes to REAL ACTION, they are ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL.
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