Monday, May 28, 2007

300 Articles, and Five Months of Publication...Important Milestones for GNB

On December 26th, Green Nuclear Butterfly was launched, which means this past Saturday saw us up and running for five full months, and with this post, we reach the important milestone of 300 articles. With summer officially upon us, Indian Point's license renewal application process is about to get into full swing, as we are expecting the NRC to announce before the end of June that they have officially given the application a green light to move forward...which will leave us only 20-28 months to stop Indian Point from operating for another 20 years.
Chances are it is going to be a lot closer to 20 months than 28, since the NRC informed Green Nuclear Butterfly via first class mail this past Friday that they would not entertain our request for an extension of that is a big surprised from a biased and prejudice regulatory agency.
So, where are we? A group of us were/are working on putting together a Petition For Rule Making program for the Clearwater Festival...question becomes, will Mannajo and a few others kill the idea because it was thought up by GNB, rather than Mannajo, or Lisa Rainwater over at Riverkeeper. We should have the answer to that question next week. OUCH, there goes Green Nuclear Butterfly again, attacking revered and honored environmental groups. Well, maybe if they actually TOOK A STAND, instead of riding the fence in the name of CORPORATE donations.
I've read the's ugly. The environmental report is a mockery, and so far every document/petition/complaint being filed with the NRC they are side stepping. Meanwhile, people (there are 21 million of us living within 50 miles of Indian Point, more than half of those within 25 miles of the plant) seem far more interested in the latest antics of Paris Hilton. Al Gore was speaking on this very point on the "Daily Show" last week. The line between real news, and entertainment has been blurred to the point where most people don't really care about important issues, as they have been programmed to believe it's the niggling minute that they should worry themselves over...Donald and Rosie's TV antics, and their on going hate relationship far more news worthy than tritium leaking from a reactor.
So, Green Nuclear Butterfly is curious to hear from our readers...what are your ideas, or plans to close down Indian you even care what happens with Indian Point. Let us know. A movement of less than ten people is no movement at all, and far too many in the Green community seem unwilling to get involved in Nuclear, as nuclear is spreading far to much money around to buy them off.

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