Monday, December 6, 2010
A Beacon for LED Lighting

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Aquarium Gets LED Facelift

Raymond Caddy of Brighten Your Home came by The Aquarium to disconnect the ballast and rewire the fluorescent fixture to accomodate the new UL certified T-8 replacement LED tubes supplies by Robert Van Winkle Jr.
The goal is to show the retrofit installation to many prospective buyers, including other tenants of our landlord's properties.
Feel free to drop in The (other) Aquarium on 10 Knight Street in Norwalk, CT to check out just how amazing the quality of the light coming from these LEDs is, and learn how you too can start saving up to 60% off your office, business or factory space utility bills while enjoying a quality of light and life far superior to the numbing flicker of old fluorescent tubes.
The Aquarium is (usually) open to the public from 1 to 3 in the afternoon, or by appointment. It's located next door to Galaxy Cookies, facing Fat Cat Pie off Wall St. in Norwalk, CT
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Green Lighting Book Soon Off The Press

Sadly the beautiful cover image of Betcee May shot by photographer Courtney Dailey was rejected by the editors at McGraw-Hill because the Philips EnduraLED Betcee held was shot too wide, and they couldn't tell what kind of bulb it was.
There was no opportunity or time to reshoot, so instead McGraw-Hill went with a close-up of the Pharox, who are big supporters of Global Green USA and design some of the best LED greenhouse lighting in the world.
A lot of hearts were broken, tempers flared, dreams shattered, it would have been amazing to feature the Rock The Reactors muse on the cover of a book so many worked so hard to produce, a book which carries such a strong message, that for the retrofit cost of LEDs, you can easily make up all the replacement power necessary to decommission old and dirty nuclear power plants.
Not all is lost. Rock The Reactors is in talks with the Pharox publicity department and other LED companies about future opportunities for Betcee May, who can easily be reached through her agency, Next Models in Los Angeles, under her fashion name May Lindstrom.
The three authors of the Green Lighting book, project and team leader Green Living Guy Seth Leitman, writer and researcher Brian Clark Howard of the Daily Green, and lighting engineer William J. Brinsky, are planning book signings all over the country.
If you'd like to organize an event at your local bookstore, green store or lighting store, please contact Seth or the publicity department at McGraw-Hill.
For more information on LEDs and an up to date listing of companies selling them, go to the Rock The Reactors website. You can order copies of the book at Amazon or get quantity discounts directly from the publisher.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
May Lindstrom On Cover Of Thc Expose

Friday, July 9, 2010
Green Lighting Book Launch - NYC - July 14

Hiro Ballroom
88th 9th Av. NYC
Bastille Day
July 14, 8pm
Green Lighting Celebration
Meet Seth Leitman and Brian Howard, the authors of Green Lighting, McGraw-Hill’s new book in their Green Guru Guide series at the Rock The Reactors benefit on Bastille Day, July 14, Hiro Ballroom 88th 9th Av. New York City.
Read more on the Huffington Post
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Robert Van Winkle Jr.'s Lighting Every Dimension!

By switching from fluorescent to LEDs, you save half the amount of energy to run your entire lights. Instead of replacing the old ballast, you simply disconnect it and rewire the fixture to run current directly to the LED tubes.
LEDs will last much longer than fluorescents, for the same amount of lumens, guaranteed up to 50.000 hours, and three years free replacement in case one burns out, which is rare but sometimes happens when they are new.
You also have the option to choose the color temperature you like for the room; cool white, warm white, anything in between. The company will tune the tubes to shine the shade you want them to be.
Replacement tubes are still pricey, but they pay for themselves in energy savings, in quality of lighting, maintance costs, and bragging rights.
At the Aquarium, we plan to retrofit all the old fluorescent tubes with LED replacements. We are working with our landlord to make it happen.
No state provides rebates for LED lights yet, which is a crying shame, because there is no better, quicker way to reduce electrical consumption, conserve energy and go green!
Instead there are private loan companies like GREENandSAVE and their spokesperson Project Green Search finalist and NASCAR driver Leilani Munter, who will help home and business owners cushion the cost of LED retrofits.
You can reach Robert of Lighting Every Dimension Ltd. for all the details at 845-476-0260 or lghtevrydmnsn@aol.com
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wake Up Green America

Each year it gets worse, as almost every reactor in the world leaks, it just doesn't stop, does it? You know what happens when the faucet drips? Eventually the sink gets full... climate change will be the least of our worries as the remnants of humanity have to live in radiation shelters!
What I don't get, is how much of a global preoccupation this all was back in the 60's and 70's and how now, everyone has since become so complacent. It's almost as if the same psychological phenomena that takes place in reactor hosting communities, has spread to the entire population at large. The whole planet lives in a state of denial about the deadly poisons we're unleashing for the sake of hanging on to the last threads of the post-industrial civilization.
These people are monsters and criminals, and much like Jon Stewart demonstrated when he spliced Bush and Obama speeches together, they both say exactly the same words, the same phrases, all that has changed is the tone in their voices.
Who do we have to thank for this... other than the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, who for some weird, strange reason, never minded living in a palacial estate just five miles south from the most dangerous nuclear power plant on earth?
Go figure, we must all be stupid monkeys!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Entergy Is Broke! Long Live Duron!

Entergy is broke, all the tell tale signs are there... The workers at Indian Point are threatening to strike... Entergy is threatening to shut down Vermont Yankee if the Vermont legislature doesn't allow them to operate without sufficient decommissioning funds, because Entergy lost the nest egg playing the market. In turn the state of Vermont is threatening not to issue Entergy a new license because Entergy lied about the extent of a tritium leak which has spread to the Brattleboro water supply... and while all this is going on... Entergy decides to sue the Army Corps of Engineers for $68 million dollars in New Orleans, blaming the Corps for the failure of the levies which flooded their two nuclear power plants during Katrina!