Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Mark Gillis Admits First Energy Reactors Poison?

Mark Gillis (gillism@firstenergycorp.com), involved in Fleet Design Engineering for First Energy of David-Besse hole in the reactor dome fame, read Green Nuclear Butterfly's expose on ACE NY that was posted over the weekend. Seems he was impressed by the scope of our research, but confused with our position that A) the nuclear industry is not to be trusted, and B) the wind industry (ACE NY) is wrong to let the nuclear industry use them to green their image for 35 pieces of silver. More interesting, were comments within his email on his own industry, and a suggestion that we should allow as much alternative energy onto the grid as possible so that big time polluters could be shut down...sure in his own mind, aging brittling reactors are not included in that list of BIG TIME POLLUTERS who could/should be removed from the grid.
First, Mark Gillis refers to his company's, the industry's fleet of reactors as poison toads:

"In the swamp ofhuman suffering, it seems you are more interested in trying to kill a peskypoison toad while ignoring all the much more dangerous alligators."
We have a significant nuclear industry admitting here that reactors are POISON! He tries to paint reactors as the lessor of various issues, but admits the reactors are poison. Significant admission considering the Nuclear Industry's BATTLE CRY of vital, safe and secure.

Mark's comment on Green Energy as arguement for taking polluting energy off the grid reads as follows:
"The more "green" power on the grid, the easier it is to make the argument that we should shut down the big polluters."
Governor Spitzer has said Indian Point should be closed when it's energy on the grid can be replaced. ACE NY has a stated goal of putting 3000 Megawatts of wind power up on too New York's grid by 2015. Based on Mark Gillis of First Energy's email statements, ACE NY's stated wind goals, and Elliot Spitzer's own publically stated policy goals, the Green Nuclear Butterfly calls on Governor Spitzer, ACE NY, Mark Gillis and First Energy (a member of ACE NY) to publically pledge to the citizens and grassroots of New York that ACE NY's wind additions to our grid will count towards the necessary electron flows needed to shut down Entergy's aging, brittling and failing Indian Point Reactors.

We encourage our readers to email Mark encouraging him to make this public pledge, or if you like, give him a ring!

Mark R. Gillis Fleet Design Engineering, AK-GO-14 8-825-5540 (330-384-5540), Cell 330-472-7559

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