We all know how DOE and the NRC work...they use the Federal Registry as a weapon against us, regularly sneak through programs and decisions because we missed our opportunity to comment. Well, the DOE is at it again, and we have to hold them accountable...the time to KILL GNEP (Global Nuclear Energy Program) is now. If you read closely, the plan is OBVIOUS...move fast and furious, and relabel all reactor spent fuel RELABLED as future potential use resources! Every reactor in America can store RESOURCE on their sites...DOE builds a reprocessing reactor with untested fuzzy science, and BINGO our waste is now future potential fuel resources that will sit at our reactors until ready for reprocessing.
Domestically, GNEP involves a programmatic proposal as well as project-specific proposals. The programmatic proposal is to begin to recycle spent fuel and destroy the long-lived radioactive components of that spent fuel. Toward this end, GNEP includes project-specific proposals to construct and operate three facilities. The proposed nuclear fuel recycling center would separate the SNF into its reusable components and waste components and manufacture new nuclear fuel using reusable components that still have the potential for use in nuclear power generation.
We are talking Portsmouth Ohio on steroids, and environmental NIGHTMARE like none we have ever seen before! Further, it is being FAST TRACKED, with many of the stakeholder communities such as New York being cut out of the public process. To mitigate public event involvement, they have deliberately chosen to only hold public meetings in the communities chosen as potential HOST SITES, even though GNEP affects the entire United States of America, and the future energy road we will travel down for the forseeable future (at least 100 years). Excluding Washington, DC, none of these public discussions are being held in the top cities in America.
You can read the Federal Registry Notice here.
Green Nuclear Butterfly will atttempt to increase PUBLIC COMMENTS submission against this plan by posting a basic generic public comment here on our site in mid march that members of the public can make all their own. Only through MASSIVE comments opposing this plan can we stop it, kill it, and save our environment for our children, and our grand children.
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