Letter to the Editors
I turned green from the ad on the back of Section A of your January 10 issue. It made me sick to see how Lousiana-based Entergy Corporation is trying to bamboozle Vermonters into supporting a twenty-year license extension for its aging Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant.
Don't believe the misinformation being spewed from Entergy headquarters like radiation from a nuclear waste site. Nuclear energy is NOT green and nuke plants are still not safe, clean or reliable. Nor is nuclear power cheap, when you figure in the billions in subsidies the industry has required.
And as for claims that it'll help solve our global warming crisis, the truth is that nuclear power is fossil-fuel intensive, from the mining of the uranium to the storage of the waste. Contact VPIRG (http://www.vpirg.org) and CAN (http://www.nukebusters.org) and find the facts out for yourself.
The best way to secure Vermont's energy future is by supporting truly renewable sources like wind, solar and biomass - viable, local technologies that don't harm people or the environment and that require no evacuation plans and no hazardous waste dumps.
Now is the time to contact your legislator. Don't allow a relicensure vote to occur before an independent safety assessment and a thorough citizen input process are conducted.
Let's not saddle our children and succeeding generations with a radioactive legacy. And let's not let biased corporations tell us what "green" is. Our Green Mountain State must make its motto: "True Green Energy, not Green with ENVY (Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee)."
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