Sunday, March 25, 2007

Green Nuclear Butterfly Activists Message Board-Official Launch

Greetings All:
Green Nuclear Butterflt is pleased to launch its Activists Message Boards. There is not a lot there yet, but with your help and participation, we hope to see it grow into a rich and vibrant board for the ANTI-NUCLEAR ACTIVISTS here in the United States, and around the world.

1. If you would like to see a specific category and/or discussion board added to the mix, email and we will add it to the board as quickly as possible.

2. Any nuclear site can have it's own board, but categories will be considered on a request by request basis.

3. We will be happy to add boards and categories for any/all environmental issues if the participation level warrants.

4. If you would like to act as a moderator of a particular board or category, please contact the adminsrator once signed into our board.

5. This board is being launched for vibrant discussion of important environmental issues, and heated discussions are allowed. That being said, personal attacks will not be tolerated.

6. If your organization needs a private discussion area, we will be pleased to create a password protected board for you. These private boards will have to be moderated by someone from your group or organization.

Please join us in building this important board.

Royce Penstinger

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