Friday, March 30, 2007

Medical Update on Royce

Just returned from my doctor, and the news on my broken arm was not what I was hoping for. Tired of one finger typing with my left hand, so was really looking forward to being done with the whole cast routine, but it's just not to be.
The bone was/is not healing properly. Tomorrow morning I have to go for and MRI at the Hudson Valley Hospital. It's looking like surgery and a metal plate, and then into a cast for 6-8 weeks before I can even begin my physical therapy. NOT GREAT NEWS.
No biking, no getting behind the wheel of my sports car, and ever slow typing for another two months...can't even get my pool up and running with one hand. Giving our readers this update, as surgery may see me unable to post anything for a few days to a week...sure that will be welcome news to Entergy, and the folks at Indian Point.
Anyway, keep the faith and keep moving forward.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck and Hope You suffer a minimum of discomfort.

Seriously consider 6 months in the Appalachians afterwards.

It's something you were born for, have earned, and ought to get.


Royce Penstinger said...

Well Hello Truther:

Get bored writing propaganda and pabulum over at the White Nuclear Snowflake? You really should avoid writing when lose your audience.

Thanks for the well wishes...shoots the hell out of my landscaping season, but will give me more time to concentrate on Indian Point.

As for the Appalachians...when we sell our home and bug out of here, thinking of places furthe south and Maui.