The Rock The Reactors girl, part-Cherokee Betcee May, who recently changed her professional name to May Lindstrom, is now March's Penthouse magazine centerfold. Sure many of the men over at Indian Point will be buying that March issue, but what I found interesting, and notable was her answer to a very revealing question. Penthouse asked Betcee what she would do if she had a million dollars, and she replied: "invest in alternative energy." Good for BETCEE...now, if she'll just get folks to join us here at the Green Nuclear Butterfly in closing down Indian Point!
Remy Chevalier of Rock The Reactors met Betcee on Friendster two years ago where she invited him to join her on Model Mayhem, a site where models and photographers meet without the need for a modeling agency. They started to collaborate on green ideas together. Remy had worked with other models like Angela Lindvall and Summer Rayne Oakes (featured here on Green Nuclear Butterfly last month) as a green consultant. Betcee agreed to pose in front of the Indian Power nuclear power plant in April of 2006, attracting much needed renewed attention to the plight of the aging reactors. The dedicated web page Remy created quickly became a huge success on the Internet, including with many workers at Indian Point, who embraced Betcee as their own pin-up girl. As I said, sure many of the nuclear plant workers will be buying the March issue.
Remy built the Rock The Reactors campaign around Betcee's image, promoting the website nationally up and down Route 66, and elsewhere around the country to bring increased focus to Indian Point and the need to shut down the plant. Betcee was a guest of honor at the Pömed party in New York, co-sponsored by Verte, Lü (another of Remy's many projects) and ELLE magazine, where Betcee met leaders in the green fashion and design community. A Green Industry that is sadly far too QUIET in the battle to close down Indian Point. Contrary to Entergy's full page ads, nuclear is not GREEN, and I would be happy to discuss this with the editors and leaders of the Green Fashion & Design Industry at a time and place of their choosing. I'll be attending Greendrinks regularly to meet some of you.
Rock The Reactors, Betcee and Remy were the topic of a full page article in Connecticut's Fairfield Weekly written by Starre Vartan, editor of the popular green fashion blog Eco-Chick. This paved the way for Betcee's cover on E The Environmental magazine and her posing in a field of windmills in Wyoming for Summit Studios in Colorado. One of the photographs from the windmill series has also been featured here on Green Nuclear Butterfly for those wanting to search through our archives.
Betcee grew up in Minnesota. She now lives in Los Angeles where she is pursuing her modeling and acting career. She has drawn considerable attention to the issue of Indian Point. Green Nuclear Butterfly thanks Betcee for bringing attention to the serious problems at Indian Point, and hopes sincerely that she will be more visible on this important issue as the days and months unfold...who knows, perhaps she can do a photo shoot with Congressman John Hall who claims he is ready to do whatever it takes to close those reactors down...trust us, that story would make CNN.
For those in the know, it's no great secret that in the last few months, there has been some tension between Betcee and Remy, and we at Green Nuclear Butterfly certainly hope that these two get back on track. Their collaboration has done an immeasurable service to our fight to shut down Indian Point, putting the issue in people's consciousness. We couldn't wish for a more solid media assault team... So bury the hatchet guys, please, we need you. Together, we ALL can expose the lies, deceit and trickery that is keeping these dangerous reactors up and running...we can start with John Hall's dog and pony legislation introduced with great false fanfare.
We know Betcee wants to see Indian Point shut down as much as we do. Her father installs solar electricity for a living in her home state of Minnesota. The role Betcee has played in this campaign has been invaluable and amazing... We're all heartbroken that these two friends, who both believe so much in the same things, can't patch things up for the sake of the campaign.
Till then, the work they did together remains. Betcee the Rock The Reactors girl, the girl serving you organic wine on the cover of E magazine. Now Betcee is this month's Penthouse centerfold, another world, yet perhaps her way to becoming the first green anti-nuclear Pet of the Year. Betcee, if you read this, if you get on Howard Stern, please put in a good word for what we are doing... never mind Remy... OK? Don't let us down! Finish what you started.
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