Tuesday, May 8, 2007

So, The Threat Of A Nuclear Incident Is Small-Documents You Should Browse/Read

The NRC wants to rubber stamp the license renewal application of Entergy's failing twin reactors known as Indian Point 2 and 3. To accomplish this, they are trying to take security concerns off the table in direct violation of NEPA regulations. To force their hand is going to take a monumental legal battle, and that is going to take financing...that financing is going too require the public getting involved in this fight, and donating to the cause, helping to fund a fight that is likely to end up at the Supreme Court. To refute Entergy and the NRC's assertions that we are safe, and that the likelihood of a terrorist attack on a reactor is slim, I've taken time today to collect a series of links to government documents found on other than NRC agency web pages that paint a very different picture. It is my sincere hope that providing this list will help in awakening the public in and around Indian Point up to the true risks we are faced with, wake people up to the fact that we cannot allow the NRC to grant Entergy a 20 year license renewal for this aging brittled reactors.









Major event at or near a nuclear facility (such as an airplane crash into a nuclear power plant or spent nuclear fuel pool) – Significant amounts of radioactive material have been released. There
are dozens of injured people at the facility, many experiencing symptoms related to acute radiation syndrome, and thousands of contaminated or exposed people in the surrounding area who have an increased probability of long-term health effects.


http://www.nrc.gov/what-we-do/radiation/about-radiation.html Page is NOT THERE.




"This is the Bible that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency and others use." --Thomas Cochran, Natural Resource Defense Council, New York Times, December 20, 1989


Emergency Preparedness and Response Good planning leads to good response. Our emergency preparedness programs enable emergency personnel to rapidly identify, evaluate, and react to a wide spectrum of emergencies, including those arising from terrorism or natural events such as hurricanes. Our incident response program integrates the overall NRC capabilities for the response and recovery of radiological incidents and emergencies involving facilities and materials regulated by the NRC or an Agreement State. Under the National Response Plan, the NRC will coordinate with other Federal, State, and local emergency organizations in response to various types of domestic events. The NRC emphasizes the integration of safety, security, and emergency preparedness as the basis for the NRC’s primary mission of protecting public health and safety. Our review of the emergency preparedness programs reaffirmed that our emergency planning bases remain valid under the current threat environment. The NRC's Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) has the primary responsibility for these essential agency functions. For more information Contact Us.





NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ATTACK This is a radiological threat that does not involve a nuclear blast. Terrorists could attack a nuclear power plant by using explosives, hacking into the computer system, or crashing a plane into the reactor or other structures on site. Security measures are in place so that such attempts are likely to be detected early.








1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The GNB seems well organized against IP licence renewal and its continued operation due to terrorist attack. are there similiar actions throughout the country related to other nuclear plants? If the license is not renewed, then want the spent fuel storage still be a target? Are there concerns regarding mass transit systems throughout the country.