It is time that we in the ANTI NUKE Environmental Movement join forces, close ranks, and demand accountability through a petition for Congressional Redress.
Below my open letter to colleague Remy Chevalier of Rock The Reactors.
From Green Nuclear Butterfly Moderator
I know you have a lot of friends on MySpace, friends who can help build a movement, and that is what we need to do.
The slogan for far too long in the environmental community especially in the anti-nuclear community has been too Think Globally, Act Locally...problem is in regards to the nuclear industry, that slogan is backward, we need to Think Locally, Act Globally.
The NRC, the governing body for the nuclear industry, and even our elected representatives in Washington, DC have successfully hoodwinked local host communities of aging, decaying nuclear reactors by keeping us isolated.
Imagine for one instance, locally elected Congressmen and/or women telling their constituents, "I am doing everything I can along with the help of (name two or three other local members of Congress) to close such and such a Reactor, to demand a full Safety and Security Assessment, as is witnessed by bill #such and such that we have all consigned on to."
Repeat that same speech, that same rhetoric in 103 communities across America.
Here's the deceit...those bills are real, they are actually being introduced, but why is it that none of the Congressmen or Congresswomen from the other Reactor host communities CO-SIGN the other community's bills?
Why haven't the members of Congress from all 103 Reactor Communities all created ONE SINGULAR BILL that would demand a Safety and Security Assessment of all 103 nuclear reactors, a bill that would put all re-licensing activities on hold until these investigations are complete?
Every nuclear reactor in America has an average of three members of Congress associated with it...do the math. There is no way they WOULD NOT HAVE THE VOTES to bring such a bill to the floor, and to pass it. They even have the votes to overturn a presidential VETO.
CAN YOU SEE THE SKUNK IN THE WOOD PILE HERE? Divide and conquer, force each of us in the grassroots to fight our fight ALONE, because they know this social isolation will allow the NRC and the Nuclear industry town by town, reactor by reactor to force a re-licensing through each and every single time, while these members of Congress claim they did ALL THEY COULD TO HELP THEIR LOCAL COMMUNITY.
Green Nuclear Butterfly wants to end this deceit by bringing all ANTI-NUKE GROUPS TOGETHER to fight as one unified team...it is the only way. Joined together, we can send a clear message to the Congress of the United States of America...the game is over, we want our Safety and Security Assessments.
Royce Penstinger
Senator Hillary Clinton-she talks a good game, but let's look at her bill, and it's lack of Co=Sponsors...not even Schumer is signed on.
S.2488 Title: A bill to require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an independent safety assessment of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. Sponsor: Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] (introduced 4/3/2006) Cosponsors (None) Related Bills: H.R.4891 Latest Major Action: 4/3/2006 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
All Information (except text)
Text of Legislation
CRS Summary
Major Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions with Amendments With links to Congressional Record pages, votes,reports
Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills
Related Committee Documents
CBO Cost Estimates
S.2488 Title: A bill to require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an independent safety assessment of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. Sponsor: Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY] (introduced 4/3/2006) Cosponsors (None) Related Bills: H.R.4891 Latest Major Action: 4/3/2006 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Now, let's look at a similar bill introduced over in the House by Congressman Hinchey. H.R.4891 Title: To require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. Sponsor: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] (introduced 3/7/2006) Cosponsors (4) Related Bills: S.2488 Latest Major Action: 3/17/2006 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.
All Information (except text)
Text of Legislation
CRS Summary
Major Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions with Amendments With links to Congressional Record pages, votes,reports
Cosponsors (4)
Related Bills
Related Committee Documents
CBO Cost Estimates
Then, after making it LOOK GOOD, let's see how this bill, just like Hillary Clinton's bill was KILLED.
H.R.4891 Title: To require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. Sponsor: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] (introduced 3/7/2006) Cosponsors (4) Related Bills: S.2488 Latest Major Action: 3/17/2006 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.
Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.
So that we EXPOSE all the players in this little SHELL GAME, lets see all four of the CO-SPONSORS who wanted to LOOK GOOD in the host community for the failing Indian Point Reactors.
Rep Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17] - 3/7/2006
Rep Kelly, Sue W. [NY-19] - 3/7/2006
Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] - 3/7/2006
Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4] - 3/7/2006
In closing, let's consider this in regards to Hilliary Clinton's bill...there were NO CO SPONSORS. Surely if we take a look at Senator Reid's opposition to nuclear waste being stored inside Yucca Mountain, he would have been an EASY CO SIGNER to have gotten? I've taken the liberty of providing an excerpt from one of his press releases on the subject below:U.S. Rep. John Olver has also written a letter to Diaz, urging the agency ''to conduct a comprehensive Independent Safety Assessment of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant using the same methodology and scope that was applied to the Maine Yankee Reactor.'
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Washington, DC—Senator Harry Reid delivered the following remarks while testifying at today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing about the Yucca Mountain Project.
Remarks by U.S. Senator Harry Reid March 1, 2006
"I am convinced the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump will never be built because the project is mired in scientific, safety and technical problems."
"In 1982, Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which called for disposal of nuclear waste in a deep geological repository that would remain stable for thousands of years. The Act directed the Department of Energy to pick the most suitable site based on natural, geologic features."
"In 1987, Congress instead opted for political expediency and limited DOE’s studies to Yucca Mountain, despite the fact that the criteria in the Act would disqualify the Yucca Mountain site."
"DOE has been studying Yucca for 20 years now, and the studies are still incomplete. "
"Transportation of nuclear waste from around the country to Yucca poses hazards to public health, economic and national security, and environmental safety – hazards from accidents or terrorist attacks. DOE has not addressed those hazards."
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