OK...I am a NUTCASE, a conspiracy weirdo...or at least some would paint me out as so. Well, where are our Congressmen and Women demanding investigations of the NRC, DOE, the nuclear industry and George W. Bush for deliberately rubber stamping the re licensing applications of EVERY SINGLE REACTOR IN AMERICA? That's right, the FIX IS IN, and leave no doubt about it. Pilgrim, Vermont Yankee, Indian Point and every other community who is currently hosting an aging nuclear reactor is going to be FORCED to continue said hosting because our government, George Bush have decided behind our back to force a rebirth of nuclear energy down our throats! He is killing our troops with a SURGE in Iraq, and potentially killing us with a SURGE here in America to support the nuclear industry at ALL COSTS.
You like nuclear, think it is GREEN, that is your choice. BUT, where is the honest open debate of the issue, where is our SAY AS A DEMOCRATIC NATION in deciding the future we travel down? If you live in a community being forcibly RAPED by NRC, DOE and the nuclear industry, read on, as this gets uglier. It is no accident that the NRC has eliminated from consideration in re licensing such things as the WASTE STREAMS, and leaking spent fuel rod storage facilities. It is no accident that any and all design flaws in these reactors are being grand fathered into the original application as citizens objections, and scientist concerns are ignored for expediency. It is NO ACCIDENT that the NRC has approved every single re licensing application coming down the pike, and continues to do so regardless of the RISKS.
In a news release yesterday, the DOE confirmed the fact that the FIX WAS/IS on when it comes to nuclear energy, that what the GREEN NUCLEAR BUTTERFLY has been stating since its inception are true with this statement.
As a proven technology, and as the only non-fossil alternative for large-scale electricity production, nuclear power must be part of the solution. This is the conclusion reached by my government.
We recognize too, however, that to realize significant increases in nuclear power, a new framework for the utilization of nuclear energy is needed.
This new framework should encourage the growth of nuclear power as a cost-competitive alternative to other options......
As proposed by President Bush in 2004, a new framework for nuclear energy is needed to “create a safe, orderly system to field civilian nuclear plants without adding to the danger of weapons proliferation.”
Yesterday, Secretary Bodman described our vision for such a framework, which we call the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership or GNEP.
Now today,very quietly, away from prying eyes, the DOE has officially released its Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Strategic Plan! Even it's name sounds SCARY, and that is what it is. Further, if you put the pieces together, it is obvious this plan could never reach fruition without the NRC cooperating in the plan by keeping every single current reactor operating for another 20 years, even if said facilities present a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to host communities. You can find more here.
WASHINGTON, DC ? The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dennis Spurgeon today released the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Strategic Plan, which details the Initiative?s purpose, principles and implementation strategy. The Plan outlines a path forward to enable worldwide increase in the use of safe, emissions-free nuclear energy without contributing to the spread of nuclear weapons capabilities in a manner that responsibly addresses the waste produced.
You can see the plan that has been in conception for sometime, while hiding it from the public here.
So, the question I have for Congress, for Congressman John Hall, Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Senators Clinton and Schumer, for every elected Washington politician who's constituent base is being forced to play host to aging reactors in the name of a new initiative is this, "Is it fair to make us human Guinea pigs, far to thwart the process by denying our communities a just and fair hearing on the issues when it comes to the re licensing applications?" You can stop this grave miscarriage of justice, you can introduce and pass immediate legislation to declare a moratorium on all re licensing actions while an investigation of every licensed reactor, its owners and the NRC is carried out by both Congress, and a independent federal investigator from the Attorney Generals Office.
Department of Energy Selects Recipients of GNEP Siting Grants
Eleven sites to be analyzed for potential nuclear recycling facilities
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that 11 commercial and public consortia have been selected to receive up to $16 million in grants, subject to negotiation, to conduct detailed siting studies for integrated spent fuel recycling facilities under the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) initiative. DOE will award the grants early next year after negotiations are completed with prospective awardees.
1. Atomic City, ID EnergySolutions, LLC
2. Barnwell, SC EnergySolutions, LLC
3. Hanford Site, WA Tri-City Industrial Development Council/Columbia Basin Consulting Group
4. Hobbs, NM Eddy Lea Energy Alliance
5. Idaho National Laboratory, ID Regional Development Alliance, Inc.
6. Morris, IL General Electric Company
7. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee
8. Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, KY Paducah Uranium Plant Asset Utilization, Inc.
9. Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, OH Piketon Initiative for Nuclear Independence, LLC
10. Roswell, NM EnergySolutions, LLC
11. Savannah River National Laboratory, SC Economic Development Partnership of Aiken and Edgefield Counties
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