Fresh News of Leaks Adds To Nuclear-Plant Worries
KASHIWAZAKI, Japan -- Leaks at an earthquake-battered nuclear-power plant continued undetected even as officials assured the public that the damage posed no outside danger, it was learned Thursday, casting deep doubts on the plant's emergency measures and the response by Japan's largest power company.
The indefinite shutdown of the plant also raised serious fears of a summer power shortage.
Officials at Tokyo Electric Power Co. confirmed Thursday that radioactive material was leaking as late as Wednesday night, two days after the plant suffered a near-direct hit by Monday's quake, which killed 10 people and injured more than 1,000 in Kashiwazaki.
Meanwhile, over at the NEI Blog, where they are desperate to paint this event in its best light to protect the Nuclear Renaissance, the spin miesters are trotting out trusty old Lee to set us straight...funny thing this Lee. Claims to have all the answers, knows exactly what was leaked and how, but fails to mention any of the newly found leaks! Talk about someone talking out of their ASS! Give it a break Lee, you just proved yourself a nuclear industry hack and phony. Can we say BUSTED?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Putting The Radiation Release at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in the Proper Perspective
Let me make something clear at the outset: All over the world, the nuclear industry takes the events in Japan very seriously. With that in mind, here's some proper perspective from We Support Lee on just how much radioactive material was released from the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant this week:
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