Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Indian Point...A Story of What If? Will You Survi...":
Hey man ! You've outdone yourself! Great fiction piece.
Thank You...I prefer to think of it as Historical Fiction. IF you follow many of the links embedded in the story, you'll see the events are not as far fetched as Indian Point and the NRC would like us to think they are.
I have some questions, though. Since it was blizzard conditions, how did the commando force get to the two jump-off spots? Didn't the coast guard cutter pick them up on radar, as they approached? Why didn't the Coast Guard's quadruple 50's Gatling guns hit them while on the rock face?
First, the work is fiction, but since we are on the subject, I could think of several ways. Further, not so sure that Coast Guard Cutter is docked in front of the plant 27/4 as your question infers. You, much like the NRC wants to give the licensee every assumed advantage that you can. IE, our troops, Indian Point's security staff would and could do everything right. Despite George Bush and the NRC sweeping the web clean, there is still plenty of anecdotal evidence to be found that would leave the average person shaking their head at the nuclear industry's ability to take care of a serious terrorist attack on the facilities. For instance, though they claim it is nothing, Entergy cannot even locate a simple leak in the spent fuel pool of Reactor 2...yet, you would have us believe their security staff would function perfectly. Perfectly like the control room personnel found sound asleep in one of the Entergy plants?
How did they go up the rock face in the snow? Did they use cross country skis? Didn't the cross country skis fuck them up at the jersey barriers?
Sure you would disagree, but this author believes a small force under cover of darkness could approach the facility unseen in kayaks from either direction on the Hudson...further, they could stage across the river to shorten distances. Again, you seem intent on convincing the public that Indian Point is not assailable. Until the NRC conducts a real force on force test at Nuclear Reactors based on some of the real life scenarios that could happen, their assertion that the sites are safe are nothing more than water cooler assurances.
Where did they practice?
Does it matter? Canada, Russia, Alaska to name just three locations that would provide adequate weather conditions for Arctic training, as well as areas of remoteness away from prying eyes. Again, does it matter where they trained? The hijackers that smashed planes into the World Trade Centers trained right here in the United States, right under the noses of those keeping and eye out for them. They did not target just one facility, they targets four planes, and four buildings....they succeeded in seven out of eight of their primary objectives.
If it was real blizzardy, kayaks would have obviously swamped. Power boats might have, too.
Nice try...I did not say it was BLIZZARDY! I stated the system had STALLED, that there was NOT ENOUGH WIND to blow the system north, or out to sea. Tipping motor boats? What, are you saying the NRC and Indian Point need to factor in a typhoon in helping them keep terrorists away from the nuclear reactors?
How come the dogs didn't start barking? Those fuckin dogs bark at turkeys, and deers, and even squirrels. Were they very small commandos, smaller than a turkey?
First, you would have us believe that carefully trained guard dogs are being left out on a bitterly cold winter night in the middle of a snow storm with eighteen inches of snow already on the ground? Do the ANIMAL RIGHTS GROUPS KNOW THIS? Secondly, dogs and other animals have a habit of HUNKERING down during a storm of this magnitude. Lastly, you discount the reality that dogs can be taken out with silent means of death.
How come the remote capacitive motion sensors on the hillside didn't pick them up? Deer set them off all the time.How did they get past the razor wire, without breaking the circuit? (I can understand video being whited out, but not the other systems).
There's a good one...remote capactitive motions sensors...even states the location of these things. Deers set them off all the time. Let me guess, in the middle of a snow storm like the one in the story, there is NO CHANCE that a brief trip of these censors wouldn't be discounted, written off as a deer? Though I do thank you for admitting one layer of Reactor Safety could be rendered ineffective with something as a snow storm.
How come the covert iron foxhole firing positions didn't set up a cross fire? How about the elevated firing towers? How did they get a vehicle past the 8 foot high 360 degree concrete wall? How come the resident national guard tanks didn't respond? How the fuck did they get into, and out of, all the confusing razor wire cul-de-sacs in the second fence line, or the third fence line, or the fourth?(they are ALL electrified).
I see, the FENCE at Indian Point is safe, secure and vital, but the fence at our Southern Border will not work? To use the adage oft quoted by the Pro-Illegal Alien factions, built a 25 foot fence, and someone will build a 26 foot tall ladder. Sure that these obstacles would not be enough to stop our own nation's special forces, but we are TOLD TO BELIEVE no other nation, or terrorist group has the ability to have similarly trained forces that they can insert into any given area in America?
Did the two nearby state trooper barracks fail to respond?
Here's a wake up call for you...in most snow storms, staff at Highway Patrol barracks are STRETCHED, most of the officers dealing with various accidents or motorist emergencies.
Did the Regular Army troops at camp smith get taken out beforehand? Their 12 tanks, and heavy weapons are only 6 minutes away, usually.
Like the way you snuck in that word USUALLY...nice try. Problem is, many of the reservists that do their time there go out to dinner and for a few drinks at various locations here in Peekskill. Those tanks might be six miles away, but they are not ready for RAPID DEPLOYMENT in the best weather, let alone a snow storm as described in the article.
And just how did these birds get a major meltdown to go out of the dome? didn't the dome hold it in, like at three mile island?
IAEA documents admit that they cannot come up with formula to completely discount either a hydrogen or steam explosion of a reactor core. Further, numerous documents are out there that admit the industry and NRC don't really understand brittling at a reactor, nor what the effects of this brittling would have in such a case as a hydrogen explosion inside the core. In fact, despite the NRC's wrongful generic re licensing hoodoo voodoo, one of the Commissioners at the NRC has admitted publicly that no two reactors are alike, each has their own unique set of risks.
Did they send another team to try to make a hole in the dome? How did they get near the dome, since the outside is totally inaccessible at the bottom, made so by the 345 KV high tension lines, the ones where the tree cutter got zapped 4 years ago.? If they went inside the dome to blow a hole in it, how did they find their way through the 5 successive airlocks into the radiation area? Who told them all the security codes? Did they blow the airlocks with C4? If they did , an automatic scram would have locked them in, AND shut the plant down.
I'm not the security expert, though you seem to desperately want our readers to believe you are. How many of us have watched controlled explosives take down buildings 50 times as large as the reactors at Indian Point in less than 30 seconds? Yet, you would have us believe that it's impossible for dedicated professions would not have the know how to overcome various obstacles in their desire to complete their mission. If terrorists have managed to get their hands on weapons to pierce the armor of tanks, surely they can find something that would open four or five doors? I'm sure they are not worried about making it all look pretty.
Didn't the isolation breakers at Buchanan switch yard operate to prevent the blackout spreading? Did your guys send a team over there first to lock those breakers shut?
Let's reverse this question...has the NRC factored this into their Force on Force exercises? In their mock attacks, have they sent a security detail over to guard these isolation breakers?
Were they old retired Con Ed guys, only Con Ed knows how to open or shut that stuff, or even where the controls are in the yard.
Oh, that's reassuring? Such important controls, and no one knows how to open or shut the stuff, or where it is located except old Con Ed guys?
Did they try to find the control room? Weren't they fooled by the ten dead end fake cul-de-sac mock control room passages, the ones nobody but the operators know about?
How reassuring...if no one but the operators know about these ten dead end fake cul-de-sac mock control room passages, HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM?
Didn't the automatic bulletproof stainless steel shutters and isolation blast doors operate to isolate the control room? Did the control room go on its emergency air system? Didn't the second team evacuate like they're supposed to, into the alternate safe shutdown bunker, so that even if a nuke worker was a commando, the main control room would have lost the ability to melt the place down anyway?
For starters, if someone had actually gotten this far into Indian Point, there are all kinds of ways to create problems that could result in core meltdown. For instance, one would assume, that those bent on mischief in this case, destruction of the reactor's core could attack the reactor at it's weakest point...say for instance the flow through pipe that drives the steam turbines? Not sure here, but I would think someone shutting down the flow pipe that allows steam/pressure to leave the reactor would cause a serious issue of concern? Further, find it interesting here, that in your entire rebuttal of my piece of fiction you STEERED AWAY from discussing the very vulnerable spent fuel pools. What, afraid to admit that a few armor piercing rounds fired into the bottom of said pools would create serious havoc in and of itself?
Other than those few obvious mistakes, the rest makes quite a story. Hangin out with ME, might make a writer out of you yet, Sherm! Just be honest with me. You lit a spliff before writing it, right?
Be nice if ME identified him/herself for our readers, for the NRC, for the plant. If any of what "ME" shared is true, Indian Point has a VERY SERIOUS SECURITY BREACH, and it would seem one on the inside.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Indian Point...A Story of What If? Will You Survi..."
Hey man ! You've outdone yourself! Great fiction piece. I have some questions, though. Since it was blizzard conditions, how did the commando force get to the two jump-off spots? Didn't the coast guard cutter pick them up on radar, as they approached? Why didn't the coast guard's quadruple 50's gatling guns hit them while on the rock face?how did they go up the rock face in the snow? Did they use cross country skis? Didnt the cross country skis fuck them up at the jersey barriers?Where did they practice? If it was real blizzardy, kayaks would have obviously swamped. Power boats might have, too. How come the dogs didn't start barking? Those fuckin dogs bark at turkeys, and deers, and even squirrels. Were they very small commandoes, smaller than a turkey? How come the remote capacitive motion sensors on the hillside didn't pick them up? Deer set them off all the time.How did they get past the razor wire, without breaking the circuit? (I can understand video being whited out, but not the other systems). Howcome the covert iron foxhole firing positions didn't set up a cross fire? How about the elevated firing towers? How did they get a vehicle past the 8 foot high 360 degree concrete wall? How come the resident national guard tanks didn't respond? How the fuck did they get into, and out of, all the confusing razor wire cul-de-sacs in the second fence line, or the third fence line, or the fourth?(they are ALL electrified). Did the two nearby state trooper barracks fail to respond? Did the Regular Army troops at camp smith get taken out beforehand? Their 12 tanks, and heavy weapons are only 6 minutes away, usually. And just how did these birds get a major meltdown to go out of the dome? didn't the dome hold it in, like at three mile island? Did they send another team to try to make a hole in the dome? How did they get near the dome, since the outside is totally inaccessible at the bottom, made so by the 345 KV high tension lines, the ones where the tree cutter got zapped 4 years ago.? If they went inside the dome to blow a hole in it, how did they find their way through the 5 successive airlocks into the radiation area? Who told them all the security codes? Did they blow the airlocks with C4? If they did , an automatic scram would have locked them in, AND shut the plant down. Didn't the isolation breakers at Buchanan switchyard operate to prevent the blackout spreading? Did your guys send a team over there first to lock those breakers shut? Were they old retired Con Ed guys, only Con Ed knows how to open or shut that stuff, or even where the controls are in the yard. Did they try to find the control room? Weren't they fooled by the ten dead end fake cul-de-sac mock control room passages, the ones nobody but the operators know about? Didn't the automatic bulletproof stainless steel shutters and isolation blast doors operate to isolate the control room? Did the control room go on its emergency air system? Didn't the second team evacuate like they're supposed to, into the alternate safe shudown bunker, so that even if a nuke worker was a commando, the main control room would have lost the ability to melt the place down anyway? Other than those few obvious mistakes, the rest makes quite a story. Hangin out with ME, might make a writer out of you yet, Sherm! Just be honest with me. You lit a spliff before writing it, right?
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